Monday 18 October 2010

A few minutes in Hyde Park

There are good places on this earth.
So Kensington's Hyde Park is one.
I know it is not perfect--
Cigarette butts on the paths,
Trash and algae in the ponds,
(detritus of daily use)
The necessity of green,
Rusted, slow grumbling park carts
Along the grey paved walkways.
Yet distance may be found among
The criscross paths and tree-bound lawns.
The city noise fades to bird calls.
The water trips along, along.
The trees stand sure, sound, and steadfast.
'Given this space, we shall endure.
Our sturdy branches spread and reach
Above and around to gently
Offer respite and calm release
From flat walls and hard cracked concrete.
Stay. Stay. Pause a moment among
Us, the guardians of this peace
You have made with the world, here, now,
And linger in this one good place.'

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