Sunday 19 December 2010

Long time no post

It was a busy week, even by our standards. I was in a professional training seminar for three days, went to Glasgow on Wednesday for an Advisory Board meeting, and attended the Business School's Holiday (Christmas) party on Friday. Didn't leave a lot of time left over for regular work, and I've managed to fall behind both my course planning and manuscript writing. In the meantime, I had the good news of getting two very small research grants approved for travel and transcription, but had a paper rejected from a conference.

Edinburgh got hit with more snow last week, which disrupted a lot of travel. The schools stayed open, however. There were somewhat confused predictions about heavy snow in the midweek, but the reality was mostly blue skies on Weds and Thurs. On the other hand, the predictions were dead on for snow starting last night (Saturday), and continuing through today. We've probably gotten another 2-4", and there is ongoing "monitoring" of the situation to see whether or not schools will be open tomorrow.

In other news, Taran hosted his first sleepover, and he and Sebastian ("Seb") generally had a good time, though Taran ran into difficulties this morning when he couldn't behavior reasonably after an hour or so of Wii time. That's an ongoing issue-- the transition away from Wii or any kind of video can be quite a challenge. He redeemed himself by cleaning his room, and this afternoon he was rewarded with a trip to the Christmas Fair and the opportunity to go on the bungee jump :) I didn't take photos or video this time because I was concerned it would be too much pressure (and that he might not enjoy it). He was a bit trepidatious at the start but soon trusted the cords and harness enough to let go and enjoy himself. He did tucks and straddles, but wasn't quite ready for a flip. But he wants to go again, and hopefully we'll find a nice day when we can also do the Ferris wheel.

We've been doing a lot of lego building... or I should say I've been doing a lot of lego building, I suppose. I'd forgotten how therapeutic it is, and I'm afraid I got caught up in it a bit with the darkness and the cold. So far I've made a yellow and black frogstar fighter, a blue and white police space cruiser, a red and white spacejet vaguely reminiscent of the SR-71, a blue and black stealth fighter, a red three-wheeled landcrawler because kenna asked for a car, and a more normal jet fighter. The kids have made various things as well, though Taran's focus and interest waned significantly after finishing the Falcon. Kenna tends to play with the lego people, and incorporates all her imaginative play toys together (littlest pet shop, sylvanian, lego, and stuffed toys).

We've been quite healthy, really, despite the cold and darkness. The one unexpected discomfort may actually be chillblains-- something I'd read about but never really heard of in "real" life-- as if it were something primarily out of Dickens. But Lynn's having some swelling and redness on her fingers and I've had some sore spots on my toes. I'd written it off to slightly small boots, but all the symptoms are consistent with chillblains, for which the cure is just waiting and warmth.

Lynn found a new flat starting in late January. The Darnaway flat is wonderful for what it is: a large, classic Georgian property in the NewTown. But, pretty much by definition, that means both that it's grander than what we need, and impossible to heat. The new flat is closer to the kids' school and has a lift, which they are very excited about. More walking for me (and more uphill in the morning to work) but that's fine-- I'm thinking of signing up for the University's gym in the new year as I'm not getting any exercise other than walking and carrying groceries at this point. Here are photos of the living room which, along with the other common rooms is on the upper floor (the bedrooms are on the lower floor), and the view out the back of the property. It's a double-upper, so it should still be quiet, but it's smaller, much much newer and should be significantly warmer :)

That will have to be enough for now. Hopefully I'll be back on track to blog more consistently in the coming week and in the new year.

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