Thursday 30 December 2010

Delays, delays, and Hogmanay already

It's been a week since the last blog-- lots of excuses, of course, none of them great. I really underestimated my writing requirement during the break-- I have effectively been working most days, partly because of the course planning as well. I can see that I have to do a better job managing my time and prioritize my activities.

As it is, Lynn's also been under the weather for almost 2 weeks as well, which means that the kids are having a relatively dull vacation. That's not necessarily a bad thing for Taran, who definitely has needed down time, but when the kids are together too much in the house, they settle into a simmering feud that explodes roughly every 90 minutes into screaming, pushing, or crying. Today they had seemed to be playing well in their room when apparently Kenna said something about one of Taran's stuffed animals being only her fourth favorite, so Taran hid under his covers while Kenna teased him and when she went in after him he bopped her on the nose.

At the moment Kenna is (thankfully) at Megan's house having tea, while Taran and I prepare for Hogmanay. We're planning to be in the torchlight procession and see the fireworks. Hopefully it will be fun and not too cold. Afterwards we'll pick up Andy and Tara from the train station-- Wisconsin friends currently living in London who'll be visiting for a couple days.

My own scheduling has been spiraling out of control. I'll be in London the 4th - 7th of January to do some work with Gerry and then collect data from a couple early stage companies. Then back here to finish up submissions to Academy of Management, which is sure to be exhausting. Then the term will start with a bang on the 11th, especially as I don't yet have all my lecture presentations ready. February will arrive and I'll go to the US to collect data from a couple more companies. In the meantime I'll be teaching and collecting data from a couple Edinburgh start-ups, and somehow working on the development of broader entrepreneurship courses for the University. Maybe.

The Hogmanay celebration here really is a bit crazy. I'll link to the website for the moment, and hopefully have time to blog over the next couple days about everything that's going on.

Happy Hogmanay!

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