Tuesday 2 November 2010

Recovered, I think

Well, it's been a long 2 weeks since the viva-- most of it spent mostly sick, dealing with sick kids. We all seemed to have some kind of sinusitis, but antibiotics save the day once again.

Lynn's been in Gairloch for 2 days visiting a long-lost Hoofer, and I've given the ol' college try to taking care of the kids for a couple days, with mixed results, I think. They were miserable yesterday, better today, but I'm sure will be quite pleased to have their mom back.

I go to London tomorrow for some venture mentoring. Lynn and the kids will follow on Friday and we'll spend the weekend with the Vellas, hopefully seeing Kew Gardens and some of the sights in South Kensington. It is their first ever visit to London :)

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