Wednesday 17 October 2012

Lynn goes on vacation - Day 1

Kenna's blog

It's fun with Daddy but without Mommy it's not vary fun.
But Daddy is mean. I am going to tell you some thing's Daddy is mean about him.
1.Tickle me until I pee!
2.Made me eat snail's for breakfast \ worm's for diner!

Taran's blog

no devices running.
scavenging for food.
don't know how mom is able.
no water.
barley surviving.
sleeping all in same room.
WE NEED MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam's blog

The children are like rabid wild animals. How does Lynn put up with them while I'm gone? Taran ate his food off the floor. Kenna refused all the nice food I offered her and chewed on the table. I can't figure out how the washer/dryer works-- we'll have to survive without clean clothes. The phones are running out of charge and we can't find the charger. Had to sponge bathe the children with hot water from the tea kettle because we can't figure out how to get the boiler to turn on. Likely to be very cold, we'll all have to sleep huddled up in the same bed. Rained incessantly, couldn't get out for more food. Not even sure where the money is to buy food anyway. Probably shouldn't have let the kids sword fight with real swords. Who knew children had so much blood in them? Took hours to get the stains out, and that was even with the kids' help. Injuries don't look that permanent. I'm sure they'll be fine, right?

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