Thursday 18 October 2012

Adam's blog

Pretty much nothing happened. Kids didn't wake up until 10am for some reason, and then they calmly and cheerfully cleaned their rooms, brushed their teeth, made breakfast for me, vacuumed the flat and cleaned the toilets. I let Taran use the computer for a while, which he seemed pretty excited about, but every time I checked on him it looked like he was just browsing on Amazon. I took all the rubbish out and the flat smelled a bit like smoke when I got back, but the kids said they just burned some toast. Didn't we use to have two sofas? It was so nice outside we walked through Stockbridge, and I took Kenna to a couple charity shops while Taran picked up a couple things at Waitrose. There seemed to be a lot of activity around the front door when we met him there, and he smelled terrible, but he said they had a problem with the refrigerators and some of the meat had gone bad. He and Kenna spent a ton of time looking at the designs in the window of the one tattoo parlor in Stockbridge, so I figured it was fine to run into the wine shop for a minute. We just threw together pasta and stuff for dinner, and the only weird thing was that both kids said they wanted to stand up while they ate. Whatever. At least they were way better behaved than yesterday. This parenting thing isn't so hard after all. Where ARE those sirens coming from? I swear it's like they've been following us around all day. Hold on, there's someone knocking at the door.

kenna's blog

Today was absolutely crazy!
After breakfast Daddy told us to hit ourselves on the head until lunch time!
After lunch Daddy was varry silly.He (by himself) put a glass of water
on his head!

taran's blog

todays morning was terrific!! i got £200 & bought a 3ds & a plasma t.v. . daddy said not to but i found mommy's credit card number(really! its 2736110048637384).and no matter what the police said,i told them i had nothing to do with the fire. after lunch we went to watrose and there was a special deal that involved a pick at the lottery and i won.of corse, at the worst possible moment i was registered of being 17 instead of 18(i wonder why they didn't know that i am 9).it is so unfair that i am not allowed to the store again and besides, i didn't drink all of the wisky. and i only threw up on three aisles, not four. what made things worse was that i got into the Guiness world record of running fast to the toilet after a massive outburst from my bum.i like when mommy goes on vacation. and daddy says it will all blow over as long as mommy doesn't find out where the tattoo is. 

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