Sunday 20 June 2010

Rain and shine in CR 18-Jun

Adam's blog:

Lynn and Kenna stayed at the pool and house this morning while Jared took Taran and I back to Playa Hermosa. Although Taran and I had lots of fun, we clearly both need more pop-up and warrior stance practice. I rode a couple waves in, but I'm really struggling to get into a good stance quickly. Taran is still sitting with his butt higher than his head, and I fear I don't look that different.

Jared showed Taran sea snails, which fascinated him to no end-- he wanted to bring some back to the house, which prompted the "why we leave natural stuff in nature" conversation.

Adi made vegetarian burgers for the kids today (but don't tell them) along with chocolate shortbread drops-- as Lynn made shortbread as well, there is a surfeit of high-calorie sugary snacks that I find hard to resist. I think I'm already stronger since arriving, but amazingly I can't claim to be leaner... Adi also made rice and lentil stew for Lynn and I which was great-- somehow she also finds really good veggies for a small, veggie platter that the kids snack from as well.

Today the kids will get their first massages, so I'm sure they'll want to talk about that. Both kids continued to sleep well-- neither has been up a single time during the night that we know about. They are currently swimming in the pool with Marieke while Lynn gets a shorter (though not much shorter, really) massage from Julietta.

The dissertation progresses far more slowly than it should-- I remain reasonably relaxed but am wondering what will happen-- at BEST I will send a draft to Gerry on July 1. On one hand, I feel like it's a miracle I'm getting any work done at all, and on the other I feel like I should, as Mike Larsen suggested, be working on it 12 hours a day.

A few random thoughts about the house-- it is a great property and very well set-up, quite luxurious by our standards. The telephone, however, doesn't work, and the A/C in the master bedroom makes a lot of noise when it runs-- last night I insisted on turning it off and relying on the ceiling fan and the A/C unit in the living room. That was a lot quieter, though all the windows were fogged in the living room when we got up. No rain fell last night, and none so far today either-- so much for the rumors about the rainy season.


Chelsea made a family-friendly dinner-- bowtie pasta with broccoli and bacon in a cheese sauce. We tried to warn her that children, especially our children, were unpredictable when it came to food, especially when they are really tired, but she was still very surprised when the kids immediately said they wouldn't eat it. Kenna eventually ate some of the pasta but Taran simply went to bed hungry.

Lynn's blog:

I had a relaxing day, once yoga was over. Yes, yoga is supposed to be relaxing...but since every pose is painful in some way on my tight & sore muscles, it was less than relaxing, until it was over. Then I decided to stay home from the beach & surfing lessons today. I was just so tired. We have been very active since we arrived on Sunday. I asked Kenna if she wanted to hang out with me here & she was excited to have some Momma-Kenna time. I was too & had a wonderful morning playing with her in the pool & playing cards. We even baked shortbread cookies. I felt better, but still took an hour nap in the afternoon...waking up for my 1/2 hour massage to work some more of the tightness out of my shoulders and back. Such a tough life I lead .

I think a good night's sleep will get me ready for surfing tomorrow. Perhaps I will actually stand up again. ;p

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