Wednesday 16 June 2010

15-Jun 2010 - Life in CR

June 15th, 2010

Kenna's blog:

This is boring. I don't want to do it.

Taran's blog:

Today was a fun day. I caught some good waves and did a good job surfing. Also when I had the life vest on, I caught some really good waves. (DAdi: Were those surfing waves?) Bodysurfing. And big waves. Today I got to use the hammocks again and I had some fun playing "family" with Dad and Kenna.

Lynn's blog:

Today was my second attempt at surfing (since last year). I say "attempt" because I didn't actually surf, except for once on my knees. Yesterday we had to go out far to get away from the rocks, & I struggled with not being able to touch the ground while in the water. I don't know how to swim very well & dislike water on my face. Being in water over my head (without a ledge nearby) makes me nervous.

Today was actually worse. I was excited we went to a beach without a rock issue so we could get some waves without going too deep. Unfortunately, as Jared took us out in the water, we realized the waves were not really breaking properly for surfing, unless we went out far. Jared had me paddle out on the board (1st time I have done this & OMG was that a workout!). I looked at him after a couple minutes and asked "Are you walking on the ground or swimming?" He said he was swimming & I started to get nervous. As we got into the bigger waves, I became more nervous.

Jared set me up to surf a wave & let me go. I started to get up on my feet, but put the wrong foot forward, so I just stayed on one foot & one knee. Then I hit the wave sideways & got thrown off the board. I went under water & couldn't touch the ground. I freaked out! I swam up to the surface, used my tether to locate the board & screamed for help as I swam to the board. I reached the board before Jared could reach me & hung on. Jared could see I was panicked, but that I was ok.

We decided to head back to the shore with me on the board & Jared pushing. In the end, I got thrown off the board 2-3 more times by huge waves before we made it to shore. I was exhausted & trying to catch my breath. More than that, I was really discouraged. Last year I didn't go under once. But that was during the dry season & storms weren't causing such problems with beaches (exposed rock) & funky wave patterns.

Tomorrow we will go back to basics & start me out on really small waves so I can get used to the process again, &, more importantly, get my confidence for surfing back. I am trying to be excited about it.

On a fun note, I got to help Adam shave his head today. ;-)

We had a great quote from Kenna today. As she & Adam swung in the hammock on the patio, Kenna said: "There's a lizard in the hammock."
Adam said: "Yes there is."
Kenna: "It's cute."
Adam: "What do you think his name is? Maybe he is called Larry the lizard."
Kenna: "No. His name is Foo-Foo."

Adam's blog:

A slightly different day. The children slept in past 6am, and both stayed quiet in the morning-- they are adjusting to a different lifestyle. So humid we have to leave the doors closed.

Francesca has gone home-- her grandfather passed away last night. No yoga-- relaxing but not stimulating or energizing. Too much food in the fridge! Leftovers, groceries, travel remainders.

Surfing at Playa Hermosa, which is a broad, wide beach with less mountain runoff, so the beach is sandy and smooth. But Jared took Lynn and Taran too far out-- he'll start over today (Weds) I think with them. I struggled as well, having trouble planting my feet wide enough apart. Lots of cross waves and a deep area that I got caught in over and over again, tiring myself out just staying in one place. I barely rode a couple waves. Some pollutant making the churn slightly yellow-- sad to see how dirty the world can be.

Shaved my head after lunch-- something I've meant to do for a long time-- partly since Amy met Dan Newman, partly since I began really losing my hair. I think I like it-- it is clean and honest. Probably a bit of a surprise for the Uni team, so I think I'll let it grow back for now, and perhaps next summer make the change permanent if I really like it. Taran wants his head shaved too. Kenna does not, because then "people will think I'm a boy."

Marieke and Jared entertained the kids-- or possibly vice versa. A simple easy dinner for the kids-- leftovers, mostly, after lots of swimming in the pool. Kenna is comfortable doggie paddling with the life vest on now. Taran is returning to fish mode-- as at Otro Lado last year. He really is born to the water, for whatever reason. He would play in the ocean surf all day if he could. Perhaps we should plan for that as well.

No work done for me-- the shaving took over an hour, even with Lynn's help at the end. Another great dinner from Chelsea-- curry, rice, red snapper grilled and mango chutney on top.

A very quiet morning-- both kids playing Leapster, Lynn sleeping in a bit. I am having a little trouble sleeping with the loud A/C in our room-- it seems to bother Lynn a little, but less. Hoping for a yoga instructor-- if the new instructor doesn't show I'll have to do some practice myself.

For the first time in my life, I think, I see the real power of money. And yet I don't feel the strength of the urge to earn more to make this possible more often-- not sure why not.

I'm not sure how the children see this time-- they seem calm and accepting. I suppose there is a stability to it that they've not had for more than a few weeks past. And we are here, with them, all day every day. They have so few toys and books here, and yet they haven't once asked for toys that are gone (sold, stored, donated). They can live simply, without a doubt. It is we adults who create the complexity.

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