Tuesday 11 May 2010

Rain, travel, and a new blog coming...

More rain today in Madison, and more tomorrow as well. It's technically been a dry year so far (http://www.aos.wisc.edu/~sco/clim-history/stations/msn/msn-rts-2010.gif) but April was pretty rainy. The lawn is green for now, though we've had to cover the violas we planted in the front walkway as we had some May frosts.

I'm supposed to fly to the UK this Friday-- both to present at the Ghoshal conference on Sunday in London and to participate in meetings at the Business School in Edinburgh next week. Eyjafjallajökull has been relatively quiet, but there are still flights being delayed and cancelled on a daily basis. The relocation consultant in Edinburgh just emailed me to let me know her travel back to Scotland has been disrupted and she can't guarantee she'll be there to show me around. I may have a serious walking day ahead of me next week Weds if she's not there-- and I'd basically be sorting out the apartment search myself.

Kenna came down with a cold yesterday and lost her voice-- she's really fine but sounds very funny, and we're keeping her out of daycare because she's so sniffly. Taran's been struggling a bit in the past week or so-- I'm assuming he's reacting to the fact that there is so much change coming-- the end of the school year, vacation in Costa Rica, and moving to Scotland. It's a lot for a sensitive 6-yr old to handle.

I talked to Taran about setting up a blog for him-- he's not good enough with the keyboard to do it himself, but it would be interesting to let him dictate his own thoughts. He has a lot to talk about each day, a lot of which is spur-of-the-moment thinking that is hard to place in context, and I wonder if a set-time each day to expostulate would be helpful. I always thought a journal would be a good thing for him, but writing is such a challenge and frustration that he can't focus on it for more than a few minutes. I'll set up the "Poobahs in Edinburgh" blog and try it out with him and Kenna tonight. I'm sure it will be entertaining, whatever the result.

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