Thursday 17 February 2011

From San Francisco, with love

So I guess it only makes sense that the first blog of 2011 would be from a slightly inelegant hotel located on the edge of San Francisco's Tenderloin district.

January was a blur. I underestimated the prepwork for teaching, underestimated the writing and editing for the new book, and although Lynn did a spectacular job coordinating and managing the move to the new flat, there was a certain amount of unavoidable involvement and inconvenience.

So here are some updates, in no particular order.

Work at Uni continues. One of my courses was cancelled because there weren't enough students to make it viable (3). The Green/Sustainable entrepreneurship course has been fun, and the students seem to enjoy it. I'm looking forward to the finance session, as we have a guest speaker who works for a financial institution that funds green energy projects. On the downside, my laptop was stolen out of my office. I'd been warned about leaving my door unlocked, but I made the mistake of leaving it unlocked when I went to chat with a colleague down the hall for a minute, which stretched into 20. Got back and my laptop and backpack were gone. Very disappointing. I've replaced it with a netbook, which is adequate, but I miss my Mac.

This trip to the States picks up where my research left off last year. I really do enjoy talking with entrepreneurs about their companies, hearing the stories of tragedy and triumph. The urge to "consult" is ever-present, but apparently controllable. I was able to visit with Lynn's brother Kevin and his family as I passed through-- it would be great to be able to stay in closer touch with them, and many others. We're going to try to Skype more regularly now that we should be settled into the new flat.

Speaking of which, we moved. Lynn was the heroine, doing all the hard work of packing, arranging, and then coordinating the logistics of the move accomplished with the ladies in the neighborhood loaning access to their cars (especially Belinda and Claire-- many many thanks). We're now only two blocks from the kids' school, which makes a huge difference for them and Lynn. There's only two streets to cross, and the busy one has a lollypop lady (crossing guard), so Taran can pretty much get to school himself. We can't let him come home on his own, because the school won't release P3 kids without someone picking them up.

Both kids seem to be doing well at school, with the minor glitch once in a while. Taran has expanded his set of friends to include some of the girls, but he has also managed to get on the wrong side of some of the boys. It was a tough transition-filled month (vacation, the move, my travel), but hopefully things will settle a bit more for him now. Kenna, as usual, is a social butterfly, and a special favorite of a couple of the mums in the neighborhood. Lynn says she's been more cranky this past week-- she may have a lingering sinus infection.

The new flat is very nice and basic. It's still relatively large-- 4 bedrooms and a large common room (combination sitting room and dining room). But it has relatively low ceilings (if I can touch the ceiling, that's low), especially compared to the Georgian townhouse on Darnaway. Partly due to that, and partly due to the modern construction and double-glazed windows, it is easy to heat and stays warm. It is wonderful not to be cold all the time, or huddled by the radiators to read or relax. The kids definitely appreciate it. They like their rooms (especially Taran), as well as the lift, though ironically they use the stairs quite often. Extra energy from not going up and down the big hill, perhaps.

Here's my favorite current Taran story, which Amy Whitcomb really liked.

Taran: I had a GREAT day at school today. The best ever!
Daddy: Really? That's great. What happened.
Taran: Sophia started a ROCK COLLECTING CLUB!
Daddy: Oh. That's great. I didn't know you were interested in collecting rocks.
Taran: Definitely. It's so rare. Sophia said she was starting the club and let other people join, and I was the first one to join, so she said that we could be the bosses of the club.
Daddy: Oh, I see. That's awesome. Who else is in the club.
Taran: Ummm. Nobody.